October 15-20: Epilogue: OVERCOMING FEAR

I have a magnet on my frig by Eleanor Roosevelt that reads:

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

Without fear…

What does a life look like without fear?

Is it possible that the opposite of fear is grace?

A few years ago I put those two words on a continuum with fear on one side and grace on the other.

After I did that I drew a looping line, corkscrewing curves and turns and twists, until the roller coaster of lines connected the two opposing words.  Like some continuums, many of us find ourselves fluidly moving from side to side, like a pendulum searching for a place to rest.  This is especially true when we are trying on grace for the first time because most of us need to be convinced that if salvation has already been given to us there still might be a hitch, something we have to do in order to ‘get’ it.  And so, we swing.

I’ve been there, in the in between, what some authors call the ‘liminal zone’ – the place between an end and a new beginning.  The liminal zone is a place where chaos crashes into creativity and new life begins to burgeon.  William Bridges talks about the liminal zone in his book Managing Transitions.  He describes the ‘zone’ as flying in the air like a trapeze artist: hoping and praying that the person on the other end will catch you once you release from the momentum of the high wire swing.

The emotions we have in moving from fear to grace might feel similar to that trapeze artist: sheer terror, until, that is, you realize that God will always catch you.

In the Epilogue, Adam Hamilton has a few pointers that might move us toward that grace:

  1. Trust God.  (With everything you’ve got.)
  2. Offer Gratitude. (Consider keeping a daily journal – you know, like Oprah suggested way back when.) [There’s even an APP for it: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/gratitude-journal-original!/id299604556?mt=8 ]{There are apps available for Android, too.} Who knew? (Not about the Android app – just about the gratitude app in general.  See last’s week’s commentary for more information about Jules talking to Jules about right brain vs left brain.)
  3. Live a life of Service and Generosity to Others. (Whenever people are ‘stuck’ I ask them one question: ‘When is the last time you gave back?)

We are called to ACTION – to move from FEAR to GRACE with our money, tithing, time, and talents.

There is one last quote I’d like to leave you with as we wrap up “Enough.”

“Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming — WOW– What a Ride!”                           (anonymous author)

That is the kind of life I believe we are called to as disciples of Jesus Christ when we respond to the God’s overwhelming love.

Thank you for participating in this online learning for the book “Enough”.

There are a few options for you to consider in regard to the actual book you have in your possession.  Feel free to keep it, reread it, chew on it, and return to it year after year.  You can return it to the church and we will share it with new members over the course of time.  You can share it with another family member or friend.  Please do not toss it in the recycle bin – pay it forward, talk amongst yourselves, and consider adhering to the suggestions held within.

Finally, if you found this format of the ‘blogosphere’ a compelling way of engaging your faith, please let me know.  I would be open to having pre or post sermon conversations through this medium if there is an interest.  Please let me know by emailing me at: jules@allsaintscg.org

Suggestions of other topics or books would be gratefully accepted.  

There will be ONE more “Enough” post next week…stay tuned.

Peace, deep peace.  PJ

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