Gratitude on Ted Talks

As we conclude our corporate reading of “Enough” I would like to say: THANK YOU!  For reading the book, for thinking about money, time, and talent through the lense of Adam Hamilton.  Thank you for posting your comments on the blog.  Thank you for the many e-mails you have sent directly to me regarding different chapters in the book.  The feedback has well surpassed my expectations.  As we ‘Grow In Faith’ this year we may use this site for other conversations about faith, life, and online learning.  I’m thinking of one for January on the topic of the top ten ways you can ruin your kids…(that was a teaser).

Throughout this blog I have recognized that there are all sorts of learning styles in the world, in our congregation.  I am a ‘visual’ learner.  So, when I saw this Ted Talks using nature to celebrate gratitude for living in each present moment (sounds like excellent stewardship to me) I thought I’d pass it along:

Finally, the November newsletter will be in the mail at the end of the week.  Inside the newsletter you will be invited to fill out a pledge card – one that reflects the values Hamilton recommended in the book.  Please return that card and place it in the offering plate any Sunday during the month of November. 

Thank you for joining us in this journey of growing in faith!

PS If you are done with the book and do not want it on your shelf, give it to a friend or drop it off at the church office.  We will use them for new members (disciples).

1 Comment

  1. Amy Freyberger

    Thanks, Pastor Jules, I loved that Ted Talk! 🙂

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