Hello All Saints!!!

This site was designed to help all of us think a little more deeply about stewardship.  For a long time ‘stewardship’ meant the most boring Sunday service where people were asked to ‘cough up a little more money’ to pay for the staff and electricity bills.

Today, stewardship = lifestyle.  Stewardship is all about how we live; it’s about how we spend our time, how we use our talents, how we share the gifts we have been given, and how we care for creation – not just the world we walk upon but also the bodies that move us around this spectacular planet we call home.

This fall we will be diving deeper into what it means to have ‘Enough.’  That’s also the title of a book that everyone in the congregation will receive through the Thrivent Choice Dollars.

During September and October I’ll be posting a question or two for all of us to consider.  I’ll also have a syllabus for you to follow inside the blog itself.  This is my first time in the blogosphere so any tips you can give me as we go along will be well received.

The kick-off for the ‘Enough’ conversation will occur the Monday following Rally Day which is Sunday, September 9, 2012.  Worship is at 9:00a.m. and will be followed by a fun fiesta party.  Mark your calendar today for Rally Day 2012.

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